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Needwood C of E Primary School

Mental Health Week

We recognised mental health week mental-health-awareness-week and, despite, ironically being SAT week, we  focussed on and emphasises the importance of good mental health not just the absence of a mental health problem.  Year 6 children across the forest family enjoyed several mindfulness sessions which supported their preparation for their examinations and having an appropriate mindset to engage with them, We say well done to them for their positive attitudes towards their examinations. They started each day with breakfast, physical activity (in the form of dance and aerobics), positive affirmations and time with each other in order to discuss common fears and how to overcome them, has meant that they have entered their SATs with a positive and indeed, ‘bring it on’, attitude. We also thank our Governors for their work in monitoring compliance of SAT administration – not the most exciting thing but an important duty none the less.